The article investigates the phenomenon of fascination in the context of modern approach to interpersonal communication in cooperative and nonviolent way. Effectiveness of communication process mainly depends on the quality of interpersonal relations, the degree and quality of emotions, the willingness of communication partners to adjust to verbal contact. We shall undertake linguistic analysis of fascination as one of discursive strategies. Fascination is defined as the person’s quality to be liked via peculiar semiotic way of self-presentation, aimed at minimizing unpleasant emotional tone in communication and maximizing positive communication climate. According to fascination’s nature to enchant, charm, express sympathy, elicit negative emotions and make positive impression, it can be stated that positive communication climate is created by special fascinating way of communication. Such kind of communication is made up of a system of verbal and nonverbal components and connections between the fascinator and the object of fascination. As fascination is able to change emotional state and create positive tone in interpersonal relations, we consider fascination as supportive strategy of positive communication climate. The purpose of our study is to explore fascination as supportive strategy in relation to making positive communication climate.
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