The author analysis of the state of research of the sub-institutes of individual representative bodies. The author starts with the fact that this group of studies is the most extensive in the science of constitutional law, because the subject of constitutional law is traditionally considered to be two groups of social relations, which are significant in terms of their volume – these are the foundations of the legal status of the individual and the foundations of constitution systems of public authorities. It is within the scope of the second group of social relations that all representative bodies of public power in Ukraine are investigated. And therefore, conducting a detailed review of the state of research of the sub-institute of representative bodies of public power within the scope of this work seems ineffective. The modern Ukrainian literature in constitutional law lacks monographical researches, when it comes about the representative bodies as they are –dedicated separately to the Parliament, to the Head of the state, to the local councils and to the Heads of the territorial collectives. There are some researches on these topics, but most of them are rather old – so, both of the four topics require ‘refreshing’. The absence of such researches creates certain difficulties for the scientists, that analyze the indirect democracy in general. As for the works, mentioned in this article, the author summarizes that not all authors, when researching representative bodies, pay due attention to their representative character. But works in which researchers "focus" on a more detailed analysis of the creation and especially the functioning of representative bodies is also useful for researchers of the institution of representative democracy.
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