Keywords: Education 4.0, digitalization, higher and pre-higer education institutions, information and communication technologies, new strategies, educational process.


In the article, the authors analyze the basic concepts of Education 4.0 and determine that it is characterized by the digital transformation of industry and the introduction of advanced technologies. It is established that Education 4.0 is a new approach to learning based on the use of advanced technologies, interactivity and individualization of the learning process. It is noted that the Concept of Education 4.0 provides for a change in the basic principles of the educational process: the formation of a set of competencies rather than a set of knowledge; continuous improvement of teaching methods through the active introduction of modern technologies; teacher and student become partners who jointly carry out research activities The authors describe the features of the implementation of Education 4.0 in Poland, Ukraine and Romania, and provide an overview of the achievements and challenges facing Education 4.0 in the modern world. In the article, the authors explore the challenges that accompany the implementation of this concept, such as increasing the competence of teachers, educators and research and teaching staff; creating technological infrastructure; issues of technological support, and others. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted at the All-Ukrainian Conference “Innovations, Trends” in 2023. A total of 55 respondents aged 25–68 took part in the survey. It is noted that encouraging a country to implement Education 4.0 is important for its competitiveness and development in the face of rapidly changing technologies. The authors provide recommendations that will help implement Education 4.0 and improve the educational process.


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How to Cite
Hurman, O., & Kviatkovska, A. (2023). THE IMPACT OF INDUSTRY 4.0 ON THE MODERN WORLD EDUCATIONAL PROCESS AND IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 59(4), 23-29.