Keywords: foreign students; war time; Ukrainian language; distance studying; online education; higher education institution.


The war in Ukraine has changed the life not only for the Ukrainian citizens, but also the people all around the world. The first days were incredibly awful and the disaster was so huge that nobody (nor lecturers not the students) could even think about the process of studying. The fight for surviving has begun. Two week in the beginning of March, 2022 were out of studying (all the students had so called “unexpected vocations”). It is clearly that many foreign students gave up studying in Ukraine after the 24th of February, 2022. But, in spite of our grief, even a lot of foreigners desired to continue online studying at Ukrainian universities. There are many students who gave up studying in Ukraine not believing in future perspectives here. In the condition to save the life Ukrainians have to continue their everyday work to avoid economic and social collapse in the country in all spheres of agriculture, industry, education, culture, etc. The war time makes us change a lot: widen the methods of distance learning, differentiate the individual studying, using different psychological methods to avoid panic attacks during air alarms in the period of classes, often blackouts in almost all regions of Ukraine, etc. As a result, we have to provide the online studying to supply educational service even in the war time to save the university structure, the working positions, to prevent scientific potential being destroyed.


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How to Cite
Marchenko, T. (2023). HIGHER EDUCATION DURING THE WAR TIME IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 59(4), 49-57. https://doi.org/10.23856/5907