Keywords: political culture, communication, MASS-MEDIA, virtual reality, political space, constructing of political reality, establishment of order-paper, is real.


In the article examined, that there is a process of political reality constructing by means of the use the various manipulation technologies that allow popularizing "necessary" to the politicians’ ideas that afterwards grow into soil of the counted scenario the political development events. Attention applies on the phenomenon of mythological political life, considered through the prism of social life symbolizing psychological process, illustrates effectiveness of external influence mechanisms on mass consciousness at man. It is underlined that mechanisms of external influence on mass consciousness at man is unchanging sufficiently long time and exist almost so much how many exist human civilization. The role of mass-media is shown as to the instrument of virtualization of the real political space and means of this virtual reality constructing.


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How to Cite
Vedeneyev, V., & Orlova, O. (2018). MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF MANIPULATION AS INSTRUMENT OF CHANGE OF POLITICAL REALITY ARE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 29(4), 69-76.