trust, institutional trust, social capital, global social capital
The approaches to determining the nature of social capital and trust as its basis are systematized, forms of manifestation of the functioning of trust and social capital at different levels are considered, and the role of trust in the formation of social capital in the system of the global economy is explored.
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The Legatum Prosperity Index. (2018). The Legatum Institute Foundation. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from [in English].
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Zak, P. J., Knack, S. (2001). Trust and Growth. The Economic Journal, 111 (470), 295-321. [in English].
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How to Cite
Tkachenko, O., & Kulaga, I. (2019). SOCIAL CAPITAL AND TRUST IN GLOBAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 33(2), 75-83.
Social Sciences