Keywords: higher education institution, ideal higher education teacher, personality value qualities, survey among students


The paper analyses the results of the survey, conducted by the scientists among the students of foreign and Ukrainian higher education institutions, and our own scientific researches on the personality value qualities of an ideal higher education teacher. It has been defined that students of foreign higher education institutions focus on the following personality value qualities of an ideal higher education teacher: the first position is taken by expertise in the relevant field, communication skills; the second is taken by teaching tact, intelligence, empathy, emotional stability, openness; the third is occupied by self-awareness, tolerance, knowledge of behavioural strategies, creativity, and ability to build relationships with students. At the same time, the negative characteristics that a higher education teacher should not have are revealed, namely: in the first position students point out bias and injustice and the following positions are taken by arrogance; illiteracy; unprofessionalism; pride; condescension, vanity, etc.

The  analysis of the researches of the Ukrainian scientists demonstrates the following personality value qualities of an ideal higher education teacher, which are identified in the descending sequence: high intelligence; in-depth knowledge of the discipline, mastery of teaching methodology, teaching tact, communication skills; fairness, creativity, attentiveness, sense of humour and benevolence; moral rectitude, organizational skills, emotional and volitional stability; adherence to principles, exactingness, politeness and responsibility.

In this paper we present our own survey among the students of the Ukrainian higher education institutions and introduce the following personality value qualities of an ideal higher education teacher in the descending order: moral; communication; mastery of teaching methodology of the discipline; intelligence, expertise in the relevant field and in-depth professional knowledge; organizational and volitional qualities.


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How to Cite
Skyba, Y. (2019). PERSONALITY VALUE QUALITIES OF AN IDEAL HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHER. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 34(3), 74-83.