Keywords: pragmatic speech, linguistic features, functions, echo-questions, speakers


The aim of this article is to analyze the echo-questions in the pragmatic speech. Echo-questions are the pragmatic phenomenon which have the specific features of pragmatic speech. They have cognitive and pragmatic features associated with the process of perception and understanding of the previous phrase. Echo-questions can express different feelings and emotions according to their pragmatic aspect. They can be used in the dialogue speech and have different functions, such as communicative, syntactical, structural and semantic. They can be classified into different types according to their fu nctions. Echo-questions according to the structural and semantic aspect can be characterized as verifiable echo-questions clarifying the content of the statement. The usage of echo-question makes it possible to realize the more complex inner world of speakers. Functioning of echo-questions in the creating of simple and complex statements leads to pragmatic interaction of the speech. The research identifies three stages of syntactic development of this phenomenon which are used in the speech of speakers of different age. General scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), method of theoretical research (from abstract to concrete) are used in this research.


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How to Cite
Artemenko, A., & Anawa Dashaco, V. (2021). FUNCTIONING OF ECHO-QUESTIONS IN THE PRAGMATIC SPEECH. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 16-25.