Today, the relevance of the study of theories of postpostmodernism is due to several factors. Historically, we can observe the changes taking place in the development of society in connection with the origin and formation of different eras. Also, under these influences, the cultural, social, psychological, moral and technological spheres of life are transformed. We are now on the verge of a new era, and therefore an important aspect is the study of its key aspects. The article considers the problem of modern society regarding the definition and derivation of the concept of culture at this stage of the development of civilization. The main idea of the article is the alleged end of postmodernism and the obvious emergence of some new modernism. The article is devoted to a detailed review and analysis of the main postpostmodern foreign concepts of the modern cultural paradigm. Data are presented on theories such as metamodernism, hypermodernism, alternativemodernism, digital modernism, automodernism and performatism. After reviewing and analyzing many different cultural phenomena that arise in this period, we can conclude that it would be unambiguous to reject one theory and put another in its place. Each of the theories has pronounced distinctive characteristics based on real factors and emphasizing the characteristic changes in the emergence of a new era. Therefore, it is advisable to look at the concepts presented through the prism of complexity, then a qualitative and complete perception of the surrounding reality will develop.
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