The topic of Rodion Raskolnikov’s spiritual transformation and repentance in “Crime and Punishment” has been a subject of constant debates among literary critics. This article aims to study the individual characteristics of imagery related to natural elements in F. Dostoyevsky’s novel in the context of the motif of repentance. It also covers different interpretations of this motif in the world of literary studies and analyzes its implementation through the prism of fire, water, air, and earth images. It provides examples of how specific images related to natural elements can alter the perception of certain scenes and help form a deeper understanding of the character’s physical, psychological and spiritual state. For example, the element of fire is represented by such images as the rays of the setting sun, a burning candle, and the morning light, all of which appear at key moments of the plot. The results of the analysis highlight how specific elemental images can help uncover the protagonist’s path from existential and physical suffering to remorse and, eventually, repentance.
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