Keywords: nobility, landlords, dancing ball (party), Cossack, privileged society strata


The authors made an attempt to explore the particularities of the economic development and the financial standing of the Nobility of Kyiv Province in the First Half of the 19th Century. The Ukrainian nobility originates from the senior Cossack officers (starshyna) and the Right- Bank gentry (shliakhta), who received privileges and began to serve to the czarist government of the Russian Empire. The noblemen had to meet the requirements of their privileged position, including their activity in every sphere: economic, financial, credit, educational. The attitude of the imperial authorities towards the gentry depended on their loyalty; in case of such loyalty, the gentry were granted legal supremacy and financial benefits, even under conditions of persistent state budget deficits. A favorable attitude to the idleness and eternal leisure contributed to deepening crisis in nurturing palette of high aristocratic feelings. In this context, particular attention was paid to the significant influence of the legal and economic advantages of the Kyiv Province nobility on further development of this privileged social stratum.


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How to Cite
Hubytskyi, L., Razitskyi, V., Kyzymenko, I., Krasilnikova, O., & Holonic, J. (2021). THE CULTURE OF THE NOBILITY OF KYIV PROVINCE IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 60-66.