The purpose of this study was to examine Maori borrowings in New Zealand English through the lens of language ecology. It is argued that Maori loans in English are not simply historical substratum traces of contacts between indigenous and transported cultures, but significant markers of bicultural society in contemporary New Zealand. The findings demonstrated a substantial amount of the Maori loans in New Zealand English, a high degree of their assimilation and involvement into word-formation processes, ability to combine with various derivational morphemes to produce etymologically hybrid structures, active semantic adaptation and functional relevance for institutional and non-institutional communication settings. The abovementioned facts provide evidence to suggest that the substratum elements appeared to be highly competitive in the multicultural setting created by the invasion of the English-speaking culture in New Zealand. Among the positive effects of such competition was that indigenous cultural markers were able to occupy a broad niche in the genetically diverse New Zealand community, thereby realizing communicative complementarity between two cultures in contact.
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