Keywords: grammar, theory, taxis, coordination, subordination, clause


The article is devoted to the analysis of theories and systematization of knowledge about a complex sentence at the nominative level. Studying of views, concepts and theories of the sentence confirms the complexity and multifaceted nature. It is highlighted, that a sentence is a complex linguistic sign in which two levels interact and intersect – nominative and communicative, but the main attention is drawn tho the first one. The dialectic in the unity of form and content of a sentence is manifested in the duality of formal-grammatical aspect, which is considered as the superficial structure of the sentence and known by the linguists as “syntactics”, and semantic-syntactic aspect, which is the deep structure of the sentence or “semantics”. It is determined, that the nominative basis of a sentence is the source of the cognitive function of language, which acts as the matrix by means of which the sentence is transformed into a unit of speech, namely utterance.


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How to Cite
Oleksiienko, A. (2021). THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF STUDYING COMPLEX SENTENCE AT THE NOMINATIVE LEVEL. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 101-108.