Keywords: evaluative vocabulary, pragmatic meaning, travel articles, positive strategy, evaluation, linguistic means


The aim of the article is to highlight pragmatic role of evaluative vocabulary in British travel articles. For this purpose, such notions as tourist discourse, evaluative language, pragmatic meaning are defined, main features of tourist discourse are described, pragmatic meaning of evaluative language in travel articles is identified. The research was conducted based on travel articles from the Official Tourism Website of Great Britain www.visitbritain.com. To carry out the research the following methods were used: descriptive, deductive methods as well as elements of functional, discourse, and pragmatic analysis. Tourist discourse combines elements of several discourses, i.e. advertising, popular science and some specific ones. An essential feature of travel articles is the use of positive strategy, aimed at formation of positive attitude of potential tourists towards the tourist object. Such evaluative language means as evaluative attributive word combinations, evaluative adjectives, superlative adjectives, evaluative adverbs, connotatively marked nouns and verbs are used in British tourist articles to fulfill the pragmatic purpose, i.e. to positively impact the potential tourist.


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How to Cite
Tyschenko, O., & Krasucka, M. (2021). EVALUATIVE LANGUAGE IN BRITISH TOURIST DISCOURSE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 117-122. https://doi.org/10.23856/3915