Keywords: land, linguistic studies, noun-noun word combinations, attribute-noun word combinations, multistructural word combinations, morpheme, basic varieties, derivative compounds, future land manager’s conversation, varieties analysis, class texts


The relevance of the article is to describe the practical experience of future land manager’s linguistic investigations concerning morpheme land- nesting analysis during studying process at the Faculty of Land Management within the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The aim is either to distinguish the most common adequate word combinations to be used for own future land manager’s professional conversation on the basis of morpheme land- the most frequent in use for future land manager r to determine the basic stages of linguistic work on English lessons. The result of the studies is the conclusion that the morpheme land- must be analyzed separately because of its wide derivations including a list of derivative compounds to have become nesting themselves. Morpheme land- includes either 35 basic varieties (land, leased land, degradated land, sold land, purchased land, arable land, dry land, bad land, fertile land, land measuring, land natural resources, land cost definition, forest plants land, water fund land, land reconnoitre observation, land purpose, land quality, land administration, land recultivation, land cadastre, land domain, land estimation, land easement, land tax, land evaluation, land law, land melioration, land relief / terrain, land measurements, land redistribution, land surface, land of natural reserve and other nature conservation purposes, land of residential and public buildings, land of sanitary purpose). Besides, morpheme land- includes 74 additional varieties being included into 13 derivative compounds (land plan, land manager, land management, land code, land parcel, land plant, land use, land property, land samples, land probing, land crops, land owner) which have become nesting items themselves because of the regular usage for land management texts in such representation. The most nesting morpheme morpheme land- derivative compounds are land management, land plot, land parcel and land crops to be used together with 35 morpheme land- basic varieties for the future dialogue concluding on the basis of the shortened list of professional phrases. The majority of morpheme land- nesting varieties belongs either to noun-noun two components word combination or to attribute- noun two components word combinations. The majority of morpheme land- derivative compounds belong either to attribute- noun three -four component word combinations or to noun-noun three-four component word combinations. The main stages of linguistic must predict three previous stages like the stage of the land manager’s adapted foreign texts reading and analysis concerning searching land- morpheme representatives, the stage of the detailed description of the nesting phenomenonand making descriptive notes and the stage of making mathematic calculations, table columns context coding and adequate statistic linguistic tables concluding. The prospect of research is to observe a range of concrete real life communicative situations on the basis of the previously distinguished common adequate morpheme land- word combinations.


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How to Cite
Yakushko, K., & Szwiec, M. (2021). MORPHEME LAND- NESTING ANALYSIS ON THE BASIS OF EDUCATIONAL TEXTS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 123-128.