The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the culture of occupational safety among future occupational safety and health engineers. The importance of the selection of the content by taking into account the structural components of the occupational safety culture and the types of professional activities of an occupational safety engineer has been determined. The paper substantiates the content of formation of the safety culture of professional activity that includes: labor protection, organizational and managerial, legal, ergonomic, health-preserving and communicative components. It was established that the labor protection component should be implemented through a complex of professionally oriented academic disciplines in the field of labor protection; organizational and managerial component should be actualized through the content of the “Occupational Safety Management” academic course; legal component should be implemented through the course of “Legislative and Regulatory Concepts of Safety”, ergonomic component should be realized through “Workplace Ergonomics” and “Occupational Safety Psychology” courses; health-preserving component should be revealed through “Medical and Biological Basics of Safety”; communicative component should be implemented through “Business Communications” and “Pedagogy of Safety” academic disciplines. The article uses theoretical and empirical research methods i.e. the analysis of pedagogical literature and dissertation researches on the problem of structuring the content of education and the safety culture formation, the analysis of curricula and basic educational programs in order to select disciplines aimed at the formation of the safety culture, the survey of labor protection specialists and the analysis of regulatory legal acts to identify the types of professional activities of an occupational safety engineer. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a special course of “Occupational Safety Culture” for the Master’s educational qualification level.
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