The article deals with the actual topic of adaptation of six-year-old children to the conditions of school education. The essence of the concepts “adaptation”, “social adaptation”, “psychological adaptation”, “adaptation to school” is determined. A theoretical analysis of the topic under study is presented. The factors of disadaptation of children to school are revealed. Indicators of the child’s socio-psychological adaptation to school (the formation of adequate behavior, establishing contacts with classmates and teachers, mastering the skills of educational activities) are formulated. The conditions for the successful adaptation of children to school life have been identified. The directions and principles of the activity of the teaching staff of the elementary school for the adaptation of six-year-old children to the conditions of school education are considered. The stages of psychological and pedagogical support of adaptation of first-graders to school are described. It is substantiated that the continuity of the methods of work of the institution of preschool education and primary school is a necessary condition for the adaptation of children to school. One of the effective forms of ensuring continuity and creating psychological comfort for a child’s stay in an educational institution is educational complexes. It has been proven that readiness for school is one of the conditions for the successful adaptation of children to school. A model of a psychological portrait of an adapted first-grader is presented, taking into account the pedagogical, intellectual, motivational, emotional-volitional, communicative readiness.
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