The article considers the formation of professional competence of students majoring in secondary education (mathematics and physics). Attention is paid to the methodological component of professional competence and the expediency of its formation by pedagogical and methodological orientation of the courses taught for future teachers is substantiated. The method of formation of methodical competence with the use of modern digital teaching aids in the pedagogical process is described. It is proved that шntegrated use of digital tools in the pedagogical process pursues two goals, motivation and strengthening of cognitive processes of students involved in the learning process, their active participation, awareness of the learning process, building their own trajectory and the second goal, which is important for students majoring in secondary education (physics and mathematics) – the formation of ideas about the organization of the modern educational process. The classification of digital teaching aids into visualization tools, memory tools, comprehension tools, communication tools, and assessment tools is carried out, their didactic value in the pedagogical process is described. Digital tools for the formation of methodological competence were selected on the basis of analysis of their impact on cognitive processes involved in all stages of the learning process. The integral process of using digital applications in the pedagogical process at all stages of the learning process is designed to ensure the formation of methodological competence of future teachers by their own example of the organisation of educational process.
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