Due to the conducted scientific literature analysis in the article, the main stages (preparatory-target, procedural-substantive, experimental-effective) of the organization of scientific-activity of future teachers of computer science in Ukraine are covered. The need to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in the organization of research work of future teachers of computer science is emphasized. The article defines the concept of “research work of higher education seekers”. The analysis of the available information and communication technologies allowed to single out the following types of means for the organization of research work of future teachers of computer science: means of search, storage and placement of scientific materials; ICT tools for collaboration; ICT tools for verification of materials of performed scientific works; means of checking software code for plagiarism; ICT tools to support experimental research; ICT tools to create demonstration material. It is noted that the main characteristics of ICT for the organization of research work: individualization of scientific work; search engine optimization; convenient means for cooperation, etc. The article identifies areas for further research on this topic.
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