The article justifies the concept of socio-pedagogical competence of a future social teacher in the context of his training for work with rural youth. The notions “pedagogic concept” and “competence” are defined. The author analyses and specifies the key tasks of the formation of the pedagogic competence of a specialist. European and Ukrainian documents relating to the general requirements for a personality and professional competence of a future specialist are examined. The research also generalizes and systemizes the achievements of scientists in the area of professional training of social teachers, including in the context of the case study of the interrelation of competences and expertise, elaboration of requirements for competence and their assessment. The article’s goal is determined. The author highlights the fundamental principles which are a basis for the development of a professional competence of social teachers. It is outlined the key education competences through the primary targets of general education, a structured presentation of social experience and personal experience as well as core types of activity which allow mastering social experience, acquiring life and practical skills in the modern society. The research defines the basic concepts which are a framework for the development of a professional competence of future social teachers. The general professional requirements for a personality and professional competence of a specialist – a social teacher – are marked according to the national education standards. The qualification characteristics of the profession “social teacher” are described. It is mentioned a statutory ground for the implementation of a competency-based approach and studied an educational and professional program in the specialty 231 Social work, subject area 23 Social work, which contributes to the training of future specialists in the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
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