The article discusses the methodological aspects of choral music of the XX–XXI centuries, which form the current direction of modern musical pedagogy due to their practical orientation. In the context of the general stylistic settings of the musical language of the 20th century, the specificity of the choral style of works written in sonoristic technique is considered. A number of choral techniques of choral sonoristics are highlighted: speech intonation, glissando, cluster, melodeclamation and noise effects. The main tasks and difficulties of a technical nature that arise in the process of mastering the choir scores of modern composers by the choirmaster and singers are determined. Special attention is paid to the problem of choral intonation (pitch) as the main factor providing a full-fledged artistic embodiment of the composer’s intention. Attention is focused on the need for a special theoretical analysis of the choral score in order to identify the parameters that will adequately assess the logic of the formation of the performing interpretation and the principle of selection of choral techniques necessary for the embodiment of the composer’s intention. The article proposes a number of methods aimed at overcoming these difficulties (analysis of the mobile and variable components of the choral score in order to determine their dramatic functions, work on the improvisational structures of the musical text and “motive intonation”).
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