The article describes the formation and realization of corrupt practices in the modern Ukrainian society (on the example of Zaporizhzhia Region). The validity of corruption in the transitional society is in legitimitization and institunalization of informal regulatory system, which generates corruption relations at macrolevel (State, social subsystems), mesolevel (organizations, institutions, enterprises) and at microlevel (corruption interaction of individual actors – petty corruption). The emergence and institutionalization of corrupt practices is carried out under the influence of many factors, the weight of which may vary depending on the civilizational and societal development of the country, political systems, cultural and mental peculiarities. Transitional societies, where transformation of social, economic and poliical systems at all levels, are characterized by integrated and system influence of different groups of factors (political and legal, organizational and managerial, social and economic, sociocultural and social and psychological factors), which form informal standards, regulations and rules of public, social relations and the approproated social structure that supports their legitimization. The main group of factors of corrupt practices have been defined based on legitimization and institutionaliation of informal regulations and rules of social interaction in the transitive Ukrainian society: political and legal factors; organizational and managerial factors; social and economic factors; sociocultural and social and psychological factors.
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