Keywords: communicative interactions, fear, information-terrorist manipulations, intangible violence, media production, social networks


This article aimed to meaningfully identify information terrorism as a special type of terrorism and as a separate promising area of research, as well as to justify the need to create a holistic view of the phenomenon of information terrorism. For achieving this goal, next research methods were used: historical, logical, analysis, synthesis, deduction. This scientific paper attempts to distinguish information terrorism as "intangible violence", aimed at reproducing the constantly confused, discombobulated, insecure public, by spreading and development of information products that can cause feelings of fear, anxiety, panic, stress. Diversification of information and communication means and sources of information, almost total dependence of modern individual and society on information, devaluation of facts have created favorable conditions for the emergence and spread of information terrorism. Information terrorism should be taken as an act or series of acts of intrusion into the information and communication space, which aims to intimidate a wide audience, create socio-psychological tension, anxiety, in order to obtain desired policy results in any case. Also there is can be a major threat of transformation of information in ’weapon of mass destruction’ influence of this ’massive destruction’ will continue to be felt for a long tim


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How to Cite
Puhach, V., & Ishchenko, O. (2021). INFORMATION TERRORISM: INTERPRETIVE AND ATTRIBUTIVE ANALYTICS OF THE PHENOMENON. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 284-292.