Keywords: creativity, pedagogue-musician, professional growth, educational reality of pedagogical higher educational institution.


Humanization of educational activities and the direction of the teaching and educational process of higher educational institution is aimed at the formation of the creative personality of the future specialist, the creation of the conditions for the disclosure of abilities, talents and gift of students. The author of the article appeals to the historical basis of the origin of this concept, explores its transition from psychology to pedagogy, analyzes the existing concepts of the scientific views in the interpretation of the concept of creativity during the solution of the problem of the search of the place of creativity in the professional preparation of pedagoguemusician. It has been proved by the author that the originative personality is a creative individual, which due to the influence of the external factors has acquired the necessary additional motives for the conditions of the actualization of the creative potential, the personal formations, the abilities that contribute to the achievement of the creative results in one or more types of the creative activities. The concludes has been drown in the publication that the specifics of the activity of pedagogue-musician have the creative contents in its basis. The creative activity of pedagogue-musician mentions the presence in its structure of creativity as a personal quality. It is the well-known fact that pedagogue-musician belongs to the category of creative personalities, and therefore his creativity can be interpreted as the integral personal characteristic that allows realizing his creative potential in the practical activity (making music, singing, teaching, etc.). It has been determined that creativity engages the main place in the structure of personality of pedagogue-musician and it is the important for his pedagogical activities. The analyzed concepts and the approaches to the study of the phenomenon of creativity have allowed choosing creativity among the professional qualities of pedagogue-musician as one of the leading and the important. The author of the article emphasizes in her article that the pedagogical activity of pedagogue-musician is significantly creative, as it is marked with the diversity, the complexity and the specifics of the subject which is taught. It should include motivation for the chosen activity, the developed special abilities, the intellectual initiative and creativity, as personal quality that will allow pedagogue-musician to be self-realized in art.


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How to Cite
Mishchenko, S. (2022). THE THEORETICAL ASPECT OF THE PHENOMENON OF CREATIVITY IN THE PROFESSION OF PEDAGOGUE-MUSICIAN. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 86-90.