The article deals with methodological competence as one of the important components of preschool teachers’ professional activity the system of continuous education. The content of methodical competence’s is considered within the system of three components: scientific-andtheoretical, personal, practical. The objectives of methodological competence development in preschool teachers are achieved in the process of professional training and retraining the system of continuous education. The development of methodical competence by the educators from the pre-school educational institutions in the developed structural-and-functional model is grounded on the basis of developing methodical readiness and educator’s personality traits. Two groups of pedagogical conditions were distinguished for the development of methodical competence of the educator in the course of his pedagogical activity: organizational and download. The technology of methodical competence of teachers of preschool the system of continuous education is based on productive professional experience; which will reflect the system level of functioning of methodological, methodical and research knowledge, skills, motivation, abilities and readiness for creative self-realization in scientific-methodical and pedagogical activity as a whole, provides for an optimal combination of methods of professional pedagogical activity.
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