Keywords: project-based learning, project approach, social skills, case study, educational effectiveness.


Different countries in their educational systems have accumulated extensive experience in using project technology in education. This technology is an alternative to traditional lecture teaching: it helps to connect theoretical material with practice in real life; to change the roles of students and teachers: students have the opportunity to become an active subject in the educational process, and teachers are engaged in organizing, managing and directing this process, and not just broadcasting ready-made information. The purpose of the article is an analytical review of the options for implementing project-based learning for students in Finland, France, Australia, China and the USA described in foreign peer-reviewed journals. A brief excursion into the history of the origin and development of the project-based learning method is given. The main characteristics of different approaches to its application are highlighted, which differ in the attitudes towards solving certain problems, the choice of goals and means of implementing educational projects. The article is an attempt to comprehend and generalize the world experience in the application of project technology in education. The materials of the publication provide an opportunity for managers of the education system of different levels and practicing teachers to get acquainted with the potential and diversity of project-based learning practices in order to adopt the best of them and the most acceptable for Ukrainian realities, adapting them to the conditions of specific educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Holieva, M. (2022). PROJECT APPROACH TO LEARNING: EXPERIENCE IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 53(4), 26-34.