Institutions of vocational (vocational and technical) and higher education are a basic component of the educational process of Ukraine, which in turn is a potential for the development of the national economy and a factor for ensuring food and environmental security, forming the socio-economic foundations of the development of the territories of the state, and improving the material well-being of the population. In the new socio-economic conditions, the modern education management system is gradually acquiring features of public self-government and the state-public model of management, which should ensure Ukraine's transition to a post-information society. At the same time, the modern management system of professional (vocational and technical) education should ensure anticipatory innovative development, as well as create conditions for reproduction of the socio-cultural environment for the development, self-affirmation and self-realization of the individual throughout life. The fundamental factor of effective activity and sustainable development of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions in the conditions of the introduction of digitalization in the country is the strategic planning of the VET system. Regarding vocational education, strategic planning is studied as the definition of strategic directions of transforming the content of vocational education, development of strategy for designing innovative educational process in vocational education, substantiation and disclosure of information and network transformation of vocational education, systematic justification of innovations in vocational education technical education as the main mechanism for implementation the strategic goals of sectoral development. Within the available scientific research, such important areas as generalization of the current state of public regulation of the vocational education system as a basis for strategic planning of its development, updating the system of evaluating the effectiveness of vocational education, optimizing the structure of the vocational education network in general and regional levels, mechanisms for financing the system of vocational education etc. Solving these problems is possible only through using of strategic planning to bring innovative changes in the public management of VET institutions in the region to address the external efficiency of this educational sector, based on the priority of achieving socio-economic results rather than sectoral goals. The strategic planning of the development of the VET system at the national and regional levels is both an object and a mechanism of public management, in addition, it is institutionalized in the system of public management based on the formation of a complex of regulatory support for such management activities. Within the framework of the institutional approach, strategic planning should be considered as a comprehensive mechanism of public management of the development of the regional VET system on the basis of ensuring consistency between the demand for workers of a market nature and the trends of socio-economic development, as well as the needs of individual and corporate consumers of educational services.
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