The problem of lexical borrowing occupies one of the main places in linguistics, since the borrowing of foreign words is one of the ways to replenish the vocabulary of the language of any people. The reasons for borrowing are very diverse: this is the need to nominate new items, and some cultural superiority of the German nation in certain areas of activity, and the presence of bilingualism, and the spread of fashion for German. But the main reason should be considered the historical ties between the Russian and German peoples, since in the process of their relationship the need for borrowing was revealed. True, the etymological analysis of this vocabulary suggests that in most cases these are not native words in German, so we consider it appropriate, considering borrowings from German in Russian, to single out purely German words (group A), German words that came into Russian language through an intermediary language (group B), words that appeared in Russian from German, but are ultimately traced back to other languages (group C), and words that were influenced by two or more intermediary languages, one of which was German (group D). The research is based on actual data obtained by different linguists, and on the results of the author's own observations.
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