This paper is aimed at carrying out a comprehensive analysis of human personality development in civil society and identifying the factors which has an impact on this process. The authors show that there is a clear increase in the crisis and limit states of being in the modern society. This situation needs to be addressed immediately, because the 21st century is the stage of systemic transformation of society. Man has lost the balance between all components of his own life and rational reference points throughout the universe of human being. The authors have determined that of all modern philosophical trends, existentialism is the closest to the real fate of the common man. Furthermore, existential philosophers are able to answer the questions that are of concern today. The authors have proved the need to identify the factors which influence the development of the human personality in civil society of the 21st century. The paper reflects that the existence is an important factor which determines the life of the person, his/her attitude to life and death, to his/her position in the world. This factor has a total impact on the internal state, person’s relation to reality, his/her behavior and self-esteem.
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