The article defines the purpose creation of a linguistic didactic model, which consists in outlining the logical sequence of educational actions of the teacher and cadets, which correspond to the developed system of exercises. Six content modules for performing preparatory exercises are outlined, independent preparation for dialogic speech using the Case study method, actual practice in dialogic speech using the role-play method; each cycle is dedicated to teaching one type of dialogue – questioning, agreement, discussion, which forms Persian speaking competence and dialogical speech of future interpreters in the field of ensuring state security. The goals of training and the professional sphere of communication of such specialists are determined, where the following functional types of dialogues are mainly used: dialoguequestioning, dialogue-arrangement, dialogue-discussion. The content of modules is described: International partnership and state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of safeguarding of state security, Ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, interests of society and the state, Intelligence and information protection, Combating terrorism, Protection of national statehood and national interests, Pre-trial investigations. The work of the cadets is planned, divided into classroom and independent work. Two variants of the training model are proposed, which differ in the preliminary cooperation of cadets in preparation for dialogic speech.
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