In this work is studied the image of a female as a literary character in the stories of the Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka’s (1871-1913) and Turkish writer Suad Derviş’s (1905–1972). For this purpose, for female images are analyzed in to the focus called works of Lesya Ukrainka's “What a Pity” (“Жаль”), “The City of Sorrow” (“Місто смутку”), “Loud Strings” (“Голосні струни”) and works of Suad Derviş “A Thief”, “The City I Passed Through”, “The Funeral”. The aim of the study is to analyze the dominant female images in the stories of Ukrainian and Turkish authors of the late XIX – first half of the XX century. Analysis of the stories of Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka and Turkish writer Suad Dervis allows realizing the task of gender representation, including common types of female images, which became fundamental in short epic genres of authors and identify distinctive cultural accents in authors’ works from different national literatures. In addition, the study attempts to compare the female characters in the stories of Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka and Turkish writer Suad Dervis. The chosen approach allows a deeper understanding and study of such relations between them as: common – special – unique, panhuman – national. Common conceptual and methodological plane in research for phenomena being compared is genre (story), stylistic (modern and realistic works to be analyzed), thematic (social perspective) and typological (typology of female images in realistic prose) aspects.
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