Keywords: media didactics, media ecology, teacher’s media competence, media creativity, methodology of teaching foreign literature, modern means of communication.


The priority direction of the educational informatization process is introducing information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational sector. When developing digital information and educational space, certain questions arise regarding the expediency and effectiveness, the place and the role of ICT in the educational process, which is quite natural. The aim of the research is to prove the expediency of using ICT at the lessons of Ukrainian and foreign literature. The relevance of the issue is influenced by many contradictions between the potential possibilities of multimedia technologies as a means of multimodal and multichannel perception of artistic information from literature and the technology uncertainty of conducting a literature lesson with ICT technologies, as well as insufficient development of computerbased literature lessons, regarding the specifics of perception of an artistic literary work in the system of activity-value learning. Incorporating ICT into the educational process provides opportunities for further differentiation of general and professional education, comprehensive implementation of creative, searching, person-centered and communicative forms of education, increasing its effectiveness, mobility and compliance with practice requests. Modern life demands searching for new forms of the educational process arrangement, especially, lessons of foreign literature. The use of computer technologies and the Internet is one of innovative means of studying literature, which allows stimulating students’ interest in artistic works and saves time for creative cooperation between the teacher and the student. The implementation of ICT at the lessons of Ukrainian and foreign literature is considered to be one of the urgent methodological problems.


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How to Cite
Stepanenko, O. (2022). COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE IN UKRAINIAN AND FOREIGN LITERATURE CLASSES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 53(4), 129-142.