The given research is carried out within the framework of modern discourse analysis. The aim of the work is to highlight the ontological features of the English magical discourse. The material of the study was specialized websites presented on the Internet. The work uses such research methods as descriptive and contextual-interpretative. Magic discourse is a part of occult discourse which can be considered in three aspects: ontological, epistemological, and axiological. There are numerous web pages dedicated to various theoretical and applied aspects of magic on the Internet. The target audience is both professionals engaged in magic, and the general public of readers who, with the help of the instructions, can perform a certain ritual, cast a spell, etc. on their own. They are divided into thematic blocks, for example, witchcraft, crystals, divination, tarot, which mostly have a manipulative nature and are built according to the principle of typical instructional texts on the Internet using lexical units with positive connotations: best, peace, love, joy, great. Spells presented on the site are built on different stylistic devices that create the necessary atmosphere.
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