Keywords: phraseology, idiom, zoonym component, birds, linguistic and cultural peculiarities.


The research paper is devoted to the study and comparative analysis of the English and Ukrainian phraseological units with the ornithonym component, revealing their linguistic, cultural and pragmatic peculiarities. The empiric material of the research includes English and Ukrainian phraseological units selected by continuous sampling from phraseological, explanatory, and bilingual dictionaries. The sample size is 601 phraseological units. Analyzing Ukrainian and English phraseological units with an ornithonym component, it can be seen that the names of birds are more often used to denote positive concepts. In both linguistic cultures, the imagery of the stork, chicken, and cock components completely coincide. Most phraseological units were formed on the basis of objective observations of domestic and wild birds. However, extralinguistic factors such as fairy tales, holidays, geography, and gastronomic traditions were singled out. The research material can be used in further research on comparative, contrastive phraseology of English, Ukrainian and other languages.


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How to Cite
Tymoshchuk, N. (2022). PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH THE ORNITHONYM COMPONENT: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 53(4), 158-163.