The article is sanctified to research of role youth in forming of youth politics in Ukraine. Separately, the authors investigate the issue of the implementation of youth work in Ukraine in the conditions of military challenges. It was established that Ukraine is going through difficult times, fighting against Russian aggression and occupation, which is manifested in economic, human, infrastructural, ecological losses for Ukraine. It was determined that modern youth policy manifests itself through the following directions: organizational-social, humanitarian and political, which provides an opportunity to realize the appropriate potential of youth, and modern youth activity provides an opportunity to form a new state policy on a qualitatively different basis. The authors believe that in modern conditions, the discussion and research of the role of youth in youth policy is an important direction in the activities of relevant state and public organizations in the war and post-war period of state development. The need to develop appropriate strategies to maintain a positive and constructive orientation to continue activities for the youth by state and public organizations, despite the various challenges of wartime, has been proven. Special attention is paid to the issue of the ability of young people to respond to modern challenges and needs of the time, because many young people in the conditions of military operations continue to work actively, despite all the difficulties that exist in matters of security, logistics, social security, etc. It is also determined that youth organizations abroad also actively help in the organization of events of a political, humanitarian, and human rights nature, both for refugees and for Ukraine as a whole. Accordingly, we believe that the program actions, projects, volunteer initiatives of today's youth will play an important role in imitating their patriotism, activity, organization, self-sacrifice, motivation for the next generations of Ukrainians and can be used in the formulation of youth work for the following periods.
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