The article examines the peculiarities and problematic issues of interaction between civil society and democracy in Ukraine. Weaknesses and difficulties that arise in the functioning of the institutions of civil society and democracy in Ukraine are identified, among them: the action of democracy outside civil society and the transformation of power into an authoritarian one; undeveloped mechanisms for the implementation of democracy; loss of confidence in democratic leadership; the creation and operation of a para-state apparatus made up of representatives of various associations, the purpose of which is to profitably receive benefits from the state; transformation of civil society institutions into an inexhaustible source of demands on the government; lack of a network of representative and institutionally developed public formations that are able to participate in management at the local, regional and national levels; non-partner model of interaction between the state and institutions of civil society. It was found that certain periods of the recent history of the Ukrainian state were characterized by manifestations of "facade democracy", in particular, the discrediting of democratic values among the population. Ways of solving certain problematic issues of the implementation of the interaction of democracy and civil society are proposed, among them: establishing, on the basis of a social contract, common interests and fundamental values that would be shared by the majority of civil society; fairness, clarity and transparency of the democratic decision-making procedure in the state; interaction of the democratic state with civil society on the basis of partnership.
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