Keywords: oil, gas, industrialization, Prykarpattia, development, sovietization, fast growth, oil fields, enterprises.


During the second Sovietization of Western Ukraine, they were accompanied by an intensive process of industrialization. The top leadership of the USSR set high goals: to quickly catch up with all other regions of the USSR in heavy industry, the reconstruction of old plants and factories, as well as the development of new ones. The main task was set for the oil and gas industry, the minerals of which Prykarpattia was rich. The article analyzes the process of Soviet industrialization in this chronological period, as well as the development of the first refineries. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region (then Snanislav region) began the active construction of oil and gas pipelines, towers and began transporting oil and gas not only in Ukraine but also in Moscow and Belarus. The article presents an analysis of statistical data on oil and gas production for different time periods. The main conditions for the development of heavy industry in Prykarpattia are revealed. At the same time, the development of industry led to the impoverishment of the region’s population, eviction and deportation of dissatisfied people outside the country. However, new methods and ways of extracting and refining petroleum products were invented, which eventually led to the construction of large plants, factories and enterprises. The oil and gas industry remained an important spectrum of economic development in Prykarpattia. The development of this industry during the second Sovietization led to a rapid pace of industrialization.


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How to Cite
Sankovich, M. (2022). THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY OF THE CARPATHIAN IN THE PERIOD OF THE SECOND SOVIETIZATION OF WESTERN UKRAINE LANDS 1944–1953. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 53(4), 203-209.