Modern requirements for companies and consumers include the stability of financial performance amid increasing environmental attractiveness. Companies need to cover such seemingly diverse interests as profitability for owners, concern for staff, interest for partners and consumers, actions for environmental protection. It is essential to consider the growing role of conscious consumption, which is a direct regulator of production activity. The aim is to formulate a strategy and recommendations for combining sustainable initiatives in production and consumption in the context of European integration processes in Ukraine. The research object is sustainability in production and consumption. The article proposes a strategy that combines sustainable production and sustainable consumption into one cluster. It will allow sustainable initiatives are focused on systemic changes and essential areas of production and consumption. The practical value of the approach is in a strategy that includes measures stimulating environmental and socio-economic policy of production. It will allow moving from relative disunity of actions to technological standards. The proposed strategy can be implemented in recommendations for improving programs on changing behaviour from a gradual transition from individual consumers to broader initiatives to change the entire system – production and consumption. Today, this is especially important, including for Ukraine, considering its transition to sustainability and the implementation of sustainable development goals in the sphere of sustainable production and consumption. Also, we outlined directions for further research in the policy of sustainable production and consumption in the context of European integration processes in Ukraine.
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