Scientific Journal of Polonia University 2024-11-05T15:59:12+02:00 - Open Journal Systems <p><img style="float: left; margin-right: 15px;" src="/public/site/images/admin/pnap_title.jpg" alt=""></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The European culture experience based on the meeting of different civilizations and cultures is the area for consolidation of such fundamental universal human values as freedom, democracy, responsibility, participation, solidarity, creative imagination underlying scientific development, inalienable value of conscience, recognition of individual and collective rights, entrepreneurship, innovations and a sense of understanding.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Their priority allows to perceive the role of academic environment whose task is to develop, especially among the younger generation, critical and elective awareness. This awareness is based on the belief that the world is a place of dialogue, place of enrichment and development of scientific research.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Academia Polonica - Scientific Journal of Polonia University</strong>&nbsp;fits in these issues bringing together scientists from different continents, whose scientific articles address the issues from the following fields: history and culture, politics and law, economics and social science, education and health. PNAP also includes the review and discussion sections as well as a report section.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">I invite You to cooperate with the representatives of research centers, whom the Scientific Council lacks in, practitioners, teachers, academics, Ph.D. candidates, students, whose publications in PNAP, thanks to the scoring system of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and having the prefix DOI, will be read and will become the subject of discussions, debates and exploration of scientific innovations.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">I thank the authors who have already established cooperation and those who will do so in terms of submission of their publications. I would also like to express particular gratitude to the members of the Scientific Council, who kindly accepted the invitation to work together and to contribute to the creation of PNAP.</p> TASKS OF INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF UKRAINIAN-TURKISH BILINGUALISM 2024-11-05T15:55:51+02:00 Anzhela Demianiuk Khurshud Isayev <p>The article examines the main tasks of intercultural education in the conditions of Ukrainian-Turkish bilingualism; insignificant acculturation of children in a foreign-speaking environment was noted, since the picture of the world of Ukrainian-speaking students studying in Turkey includes a small number of Turkish components; three main groups of nominations reflecting linguistic and cultural specificity are highlighted: cultural idioms, words with an idio-ethnic aura, idioms. It was emphasized that the task of expanding the Ukrainian picture of the world with a Turkish component should be systematically solved in schools where children from Ukrainian-speaking families study. The process of acculturation is based on the communicative process. The practical implementation of bicultural education can be achieved through the joint education of Ukrainian children and children from mixed Ukrainian-Turkish families; introduction of subjects related to the national culture of the host country into the curriculum; enrichment of basic educational disciplines with national Ukrainian and Turkish issues; mandatory inclusion of linguistic and cultural information in Ukrainian and Turkish language programs; creation of electives on Turkish topics taking into account the interests of children. The article proposed attempt is to present possible directions and methods of developing the concept of TURKEY in Ukrainian language classes.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) FORMATION OF FOREIGN-LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS OF PROFESSIONAL PRE-HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS 2024-11-05T15:55:49+02:00 Kateryna Dereka <p>In the article, the author analyzed the pedagogical conditions for the formation of foreign language communicative competences in institutions of professional pre-higher education in the process of teaching students of 121 program subject area – Software Engineering. During the study, a comprehensive approach was used, including a deep analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature: the study of scientific papers, articles and other sources of information on the topic under study. Analytical work with information sources: synthesis and systematization of acquired knowledge, clear formulation of key concepts and aspects of the topic. It has been established that modern employers expect software engineering professionals to have not only deep technical knowledge but also a high level of English language proficiency. This includes the ability to work with English-language technical documentation, communicate effectively in international projects, and write professional documentation in English. This is especially true for professionals studying at institutions of professional pre-higher education. Foreign language training should be aimed at developing the communication competencies necessary to work effectively in an international environment. The author identifies the main pedagogical conditions, in particular, the formation of motivation in future IT specialists to learn foreign languages; systematic use of digital interactive technologies as a means of forming foreign language communicative competences; creation of professionally oriented teaching and methodological support (in particular, workbooks in in English for professional purposes for each semester); readiness of foreign language teachers to use professionally oriented teaching and methodological support.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE THEME OF OLD AGE IN THE STORIES BY VAGIF SULTANLI (CASE STUDY THE STORIES “KUFI XETTI”, “XIFFET” AND “SEHER DUMANI”) 2024-11-05T15:55:47+02:00 Ilhama Gultekın <p>Old age is one of the most discussed topics in literature, like death, love and separation. In the literature of almost all peoples, to say old, orator means an experienced person. In fiction, respect for old people, white hair, and white beard is preached, trust in their experience, and criticism of disrespect for them is inculcated. The best example of this in Azerbaijani literature is the monument “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”. In the literature of the peoples of the world, in the works of Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Leo Tolstoy, Necip Fazil Kisakurek and others, we are faced with descriptions of the sometimes bitter and sometimes proud aspects of this topic. However, in the era of modernization, decelerating family ties, the spread of the desire for individualization among both young and old people weakened social policy, limited the possibilities of the weaker sections of the population. ` In the stories of Vagif Sultanlı, we will explore the theme of illness and loneliness, which tests not only themselves, but also their children, of this “powerless” class. The object of our research is the stories “Xiffet”, “Seher dumani” and “Kufi Xetti” from Vagif Sultanli's collection “Ters akin”. The subject of the research is the theme of death, loneliness and old age in the writer's stories, and the presentation of these themes. The feelings and pains caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, which makes loneliness felt not only by the elderly, but by all people from children to adults, are presented in the writer's story “Kufi Xetti” through the experience of an elderly person. The story, which shows the resistance of a person who lived to the marrow of loneliness to nature, does not just describe an epidemic, which once again proves that development and science will not work if time comes. Here the struggle of an elderly and especially lonely person with life, with people, with a way of thinking is reflected. When describing elderly people, the writer who chooses an elderly orphan or a parent on a sick bed as an image has increased the emotional load, and has created key points by emphasizing tradition and mentalism in almost every episode.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE EVOLUTION OF MOZART'S VOCAL STYLE: AN ANALYSIS BASED ON CHURCH MUSIC 2024-11-05T15:55:44+02:00 Guo Liting <p>This article examines the stylistic influences shaping Mozart’s sacred music, offering an in-depth analysis of its evolution. It identifies two distinct styles: the Salzburgian and contemporary approaches. The Salzburgian style is defined by brevity, counterpoint, and tonal unity, adhering to traditional liturgical requirements. Meanwhile, the contemporary style reflects the influence of secular music, with larger structures, concertante melodies, and thematic contrasts drawn from symphonic and operatic works. A comparison between Mozart’s two Lauretian litanies, Litaniae Lauretanae KV 109 and KV 195, illustrates his compositional development. The earlier litany demonstrates simplicity and compactness, while the later piece shows increased complexity, operatic influence, and a more intricate orchestral role. The analysis highlights how Mozart blended sacred music's formal rigor with expressive elements from operatic and instrumental traditions, creating a distinctive style that paved the way for future innovations in liturgical music. By drawing from contrapuntal traditions and integrating operatic expressiveness, Mozart's sacred works reflect his genius in synthesizing diverse influences into a cohesive and innovative musical language.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) WAYS OF IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION DURING STUDENTS' PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 2024-11-05T15:55:42+02:00 Inna Ivanova <p>The article examines the issue of developing foreign language communicative competence of students as the primary goal of language learning in the context of professional training of future specialists. It is argued that the most relevant cognitive-linguistic, operational-linguistic and communicative competences for professionally oriented foreign language learning are the ones which enable the use of language as a means of obtaining professionally significant information through reading and participating in oral and written professional communication. The views of domestic and foreign scholars regarding the definition of foreign language communicative competence and its component structure are analyzed. All components of foreign language communicative competence are interrelated and interdependent, forming a complex, holistic, systematic, and structured entity. The process of foreign language learning should be aimed at the gradual cultivation of foreign language communicative competence components, using the most effective teaching forms, methods and tools. The forms, methods and tools for conducting productive classes are highlighted as those focused on activating cognitive activity, developing foreign language communicative competence, overcoming language, speech and socio-cultural communication difficulties. Attention is drawn to the expediency of using innovative teaching methods such as role-playing games, discussions, project-based methods, quests, as they are person-centered and create conditions for the enhancement of students' creative thinking and provide a good opportunity to acquire and apply foreign language knowledge due to the emergence of internal motivation. The research results in the context of future specialists' motivation to master foreign language communication skills and abilities are presented.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) QUANTITATIVE THEMATIC AND IDEOGRAPHIC MODELLING OF THE VALUE OF ‘HEALTH’ IN ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY 2024-11-05T15:55:39+02:00 Olena Khodzhaieva <p>The article is an attempt to develop in-depth ideas about the value of ‘health’ in the phraseology of the English language. Health is positioned as an important fragment of the value picture of the English world, which is reflected in the corresponding phraseological units of English with health / illness semantics. The study is the first to carry out a thematic and ideographic modelling of the value of ‘health’ in English phraseology based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the first time the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (hereinafter referred to as ICF) has been used for the linguistic study of the value of ‘health’ (based on the material of English phraseology). The ICF is a multi-purpose classification intended for interdisciplinary use and aims to: a) provide a scientific basis for understanding and studying health and health-related conditions, their consequences and determinants; b) introduce a common language for describing health and health-related conditions in order to improve mutual understanding between different users (e.g, health and social care workers, researchers, administrators and the public, etc.); c) ensuring the possibility of comparing information data from different countries, areas of health care, etc.); d) developing a systematic coding scheme for health information systems. It is important to note that the unit of classification is a category in health domains (e.g., vision, hearing, walking, learning and remembering, etc.) and health-related domains (e.g., transportation, education and social interaction, etc.). The ICF describes an individual’s situation within a number of health and health-related domains, based on the context of environmental and personal factors.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) TERMINOLOGIE DER INGENIEURPSYCHOLOGIE IM DEUTSCHEN: STRUKTURELLE UND SEMANTISCHE ASPEKTE 2024-11-05T15:59:12+02:00 Svitlana Kiyko Lesia Hladkoskok <p>Der Artikel widmet sich der Beschreibung des Begriffssystems der deutschen Ingenieurpsychologie, d.h. einer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin, die die Prozesse der informationellen Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Technik analysiert. Die Entstehung dieser Disziplin ist auf den rasanten wissenschaftlich-technischen Fortschritt sowie auf die steigenden Anforderungen an die psychische und intellektuelle Sphäre des Menschen im Arbeitsprozess zurückzuführen. Bei dem analysierten Material handelt es sich um eine kontinuierliche Stichprobe von 4565 Begriffen und Begriffskombinationen aus der Ingenieurpsychologie in deutscher Sprache. Die Analyse zeigt, dass zusammengesetzte und abgekürzte Begriffe überwiegen, gefolgt von Begriffskombinationen, abgeleiteten Wörtern und einfachen einwurzeligen Begriffen. Die Wortbildungsarten der abgeleiteten Derivate (Präfixierung, Suffixierung, Präfix-Suffix-Bildung) werden im Detail analysiert. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf zusammengesetzte, meist zweikomponentige Begriffe gelegt. Die Merkmale der Polysemie und Synonymie, die in der Terminologie der Ingenieurpsychologie weit verbreitet sind, werden analysiert. Die Gründe für das Auftreten zahlreicher synonymer Reihen, einschließlich des Einflusses der englischsprachigen Terminologie, werden erläutert. Metaphorische und eponyme Begriffe, die Schwierigkeiten bei der Entschlüsselung verursachen können, werden gesondert analysiert. Das Vorhandensein einer vielfältigen und umfangreichen Terminologie deutet auf die allmähliche Herausbildung der Ingenieurpsychologie als wissenschaftlicher Disziplin hin. Eine umfassende Studie, die sich auf umfangreiches empirisches Material stützt, ermöglicht es, die Besonderheiten des terminologischen Apparats dieses Wissensgebiets und die allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten seiner Entwicklung aufzuzeigen.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) IDEOGRAPHIC MODELLING OF THE EMOTIONAL PICTURE OF THE WORLD IN ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY 2024-11-05T15:55:36+02:00 Olena Koltsova <p>Emotion is a mental reflection in the form of a direct biased experience of the content of life phenomena and situations, caused by the relation of their objective properties to the needs of the subject. Emotions are essential components of life activity, a powerful means of activating the sensory and perceptual activity of the individual. In the theory of activity, they are defined as a reflection of the relationship between the result of an activity and its motive. If the activity is successful in terms of the motive, positive emotions (interest, satisfaction) arise, and if it is unsuccessful, negative emotions arise. Emotions arise only in connection with events or results of actions that are related to motives. The highest product of the development of human emotions is strong feelings for objects that meet one’s highest needs. A strong, absolutely dominant feeling is called passion. Events signalling possible changes in a person’s life, along with specific emotions, can cause changes in the general emotional background – mood. The attitude to the reflected phenomena as the main property of emotions is presented: 1) in their qualitative characteristics, which include: a) sign – positive, negative; b) modality – anger, contempt, embarrassment, guilt, interest, sadness, surprise, disgust, pleasure, fear, shame; 2) in the dynamics of the course of emotions themselves – duration, intensity, etc.; 3) in the dynamics of external expression of emotions – emotional expression – in facial expressions, speech, pantomime.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS' STRATEGIC COMPETENCE: INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 2024-11-05T15:55:34+02:00 Olena Konotop <p>The article provides methodological recommendations for improving the educational process for the formation of strategic competence for future teachers in the aspect of intercultural communication. The purpose of the training, its content, the approaches on which the appropriate methodology should be based, its stages, the specified means of training and their sources of selection were described. The purpose of training is the formation of a secondary language personality; the content includes substantive and procedural aspects: areas, topics, subtopics, types and styles of communication, situations, problems, linguistic and sociocultural material, non-verbal means of communication, educational and communicative strategies, texts; among the approaches, we distinguish competence, reflexive, linguistic, sociocultural, cognitive, communicative-activity, level approaches; formation of basic intercultural professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence of future primary school teachers (normative foreign language course); formation of advanced intercultural professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence of future primary school teachers (variable foreign language courses); formation of highly specialized intercultural professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence of future primary school teachers (selective specialization courses taught in a foreign language); we recommend video phonograms, phonograms, and texts as teaching aids. We emphasize that it is advisable for future primary school teachers to teach pedagogical discourse, taking into account the personal, public, professional, and educational spheres of communication.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE FUTURE: HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL CHANGE OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HUMANITY IN 2025 2024-11-05T15:55:31+02:00 Anna Levitskaia <p>As we venture into 2025, the intersection of anthropology and technology presents a fascinating frontier for understanding humanity. This article explores the transformative impact of emerging technologies on our perceptions and experiences of being human. Anthropology, traditionally focused on the study of human societies, cultures, and evolutionary development, is now increasingly intertwined with the rapid advancements in technology. (Lytvynova, L. V. 2004) The article delves into the evolution of anthropological studies in the context of technological innovation. Historically, anthropology has provided insights into the cultural and social dynamics of human societies. However, the advent of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology is reshaping these dynamics, prompting anthropologists to reconsider their frameworks and methodologies. The integration of big data analytics, for instance, allows for a more nuanced understanding of human behavior on a global scale, uncovering patterns and trends that were previously elusive. Next, the article examines how technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are revolutionizing anthropological research and education. These immersive technologies enable researchers to recreate and explore ancient civilizations, offering new perspectives on historical and cultural contexts. Moreover, VR and AR provide powerful tools for education, allowing students to engage with anthropological content in more interactive and impactful ways.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE IMPACT OF AI ON TEACHERS: SUPPORT OR REPLACEMENT? 2024-11-05T15:55:29+02:00 Iryna Nikitina Tetyana Ishchenko <p>The article explores the growing role of AI in education, analyzing whether it serves as a supportive tool for teachers or poses a threat to their jobs. AI can automate routine tasks such as grading and administrative work, freeing up teachers’ time for more meaningful activities like personalized student interaction and lesson planning. Additionally, AI-powered tools enhance data-driven teaching, providing teachers with valuable insights to improve student performance and offer individualized support. While AI offers significant advantages, the article emphasizes that it cannot replace the human qualities essential to teaching, such as emotional intelligence, empathy, and creativity. These are areas where AI falls short, making it unlikely to fully replace teachers. Instead, AI allows teachers to evolve their roles from traditional instruction to mentorship and guidance, focusing on fostering critical thinking and creativity in students. However, there are concerns that AI could reduce teaching jobs or fundamentally change the role of educators. Teachers may also resist AI due to fears of job displacement or lack of sufficient training to use these technologies effectively. The article concludes that AI, when used responsibly, acts as a valuable partner rather than a replacement. By taking over repetitive tasks, AI enables teachers to concentrate on more impactful educational activities, ensuring that the human element remains at the heart of learning.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) BOXMODUL IM SPORTUNTERRICHT AN UKRAINISCHEN SCHULEN 2024-11-05T15:55:27+02:00 Roman Orzhytskyi Vasyl Mazin <p>Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war für uns die Entwicklung des Moduls „Boxen“, das im variablen Teil im Prozess des Sportunterrichts in allgemeinen Bildungseinrichtungen der Ukraine eingesetzt werden kann. Unsere Motivation war die Tatsache, dass das Sportprogramm an ukrainischen Schulen heute veraltet und ineffizient ist und sich seit der Zeit der Sowjetunion kaum verändert hat (Mazin, 2024). Um die Motivation von Bildungssuchenden für systematischen Sportunterricht und Sport zu steigern und sie für einen gesunden Lebensstil zu interessieren, muss alles getan werden, um bei jungen Ukrainern ein reges Interesse am Sport zu wecken. Eine Möglichkeit, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, besteht darin, in das jährliche Sportprogramm neue Sportarten aufzunehmen, die sie während der Schulzeit und nach der Schule gerne ausüben möchten. Unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Bildungserfahrung, wo Boxen in vielen Ländern seit vielen Jahren aktiv im Sportunterricht an vielen Schulen eingesetzt wird und dieser Sport nach Ansicht vieler Forscher positive Aspekte für die Bildung junger Menschen hat (Kaser, 2003). Basierend auf den modernen militärischen und politischen Bedingungen in der Ukraine ist eine Sportart wie Boxen für unsere Schüler am besten geeignet, um ihren mutigen Charakter zu stärken, ihre sozialen Interaktionsfähigkeiten zu verbessern und eine gute Gesundheit aufzubauen, die wiederum als stabile Grundlage für sie dient Stärkung der jungen Generation der Ukraine.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) KEY FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF ENGINEERS 2024-11-05T15:55:25+02:00 Nataliia Snizhko Yuriy Polyezhayev <p>The authors analyze the approaches towards interpreting the notions of “foreign language competence”, “foreign language communicative competence”, and “professional foreign language communication”. The professional foreign language competence of the specialist is regarded as a result of the integration of professional and foreign language communicative competence. The interrelation between the university graduate's general communicative competence and professional foreign language competence is scrutinized. The components of foreign language communicative competence of engineering students are analyzed. The structure of this competence is based on the analysis of requirements set for the graduates by the job market. Cognitive and operational-technological competences comprising the professional section of the specialized part of the social-professional foreign language competence of the trainee engineer are relevant to the special competences of the linguistic section staying in a dynamic interaction with them. The offered model was successfully tried out during the interconnected learning of engineering subjects and a foreign language at Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) PRECEDENT NAMES AS TRANSMITTERS OF HISTORICAL AND COLLECTIVE MEMORY IN THE POEM “THE TIME IN BURSA” BY A. H. TANPINAR 2024-11-05T15:55:23+02:00 Olga Virnyk <p>This article explores the use of precedent names as carriers of historical and collective memory in A. H. Tanpınar's poem “The Time in Bursa.” Precedent names, being culturally significant proper nouns, evoke historical, cultural, and social connotations that resonate deeply within a collective consciousness. The study analyzes how these names serve as linguistic bridges between past and present, shaping a shared understanding of national identity and heritage in Tanpınar’s poetry. The analysis focuses on the poem's ability to transmit cultural memory through names associated with key historical events, figures, and places, thus linking personal memory with collective historical narratives. By exploring the poetic function of these precedent names, the article highlights Tanpınar’s contribution to preserving and enriching the cultural identity of Turkish society. Employing methods such as textual, intertextual, and historical-linguistic analysis, the research uncovers how Tanpınar’s use of precedent names fosters a dialogue between individual and national history, allowing readers to engage with the collective memory of their community. The study positions precedent names not merely as literary devices, but as pivotal elements in understanding the dynamics of memory and identity in Turkish poetry. This research aims to broaden the understanding of how names rooted in cultural and historical significance can function as powerful transmitters of collective memory, contributing to the formation of a cohesive national identity in literary texts.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) “SOUVENIR FROM LVIV” BY VIKTOR KAMINSKY AS AN EXAMPLE OF THE AUTHOR’S EMBODIMENT OF THE CONCERT GENRE 2024-11-05T15:55:20+02:00 Natalia Zubko <p>This article highlights the distinctive features of Kaminsky's individual style and musical language as realized in his Concerto "Souvenir from Lviv" four piano duet and orchestra, and determines the main interpretive aspects of the piece. "Souvenir from Lviv" exemplifies Kaminsky's ability to merge postmodern eclecticism with neo-romantic emotionality. Kaminsky integrates elements of neo-styles, including neoromanticism and neo-baroque, which add special depth and complexity to his work. These stylistic elements allow the composer to create a rich sound landscape, where traditional forms mix with contemporary harmonies. This highlights the connection between the past and the present, which is typical for Lviv as a city with a rich history. Kaminsky mixes neo-romanticism and modern music to create a special feel of an old city. He stays open to new experiences and emotions, which helps him express the spirit of the time and place through his music. The piece is notable for its instrumentation, featuring two pianos, percussion, and a string orchestra. The four-part structure of the concerto, with programmatic titles such as Aria and Choral, as well as the subtitle a la Partita, allude to the Baroque suite. However, the selected movement order (fast-slow-slow-fast) and the thematic arch between the first movement and the finale suggest the composer’s rethinking of the genre, merging the cyclic suite form with the virtuosity of the concerto. Based on the stylistic approach of Viktor Kaminsky's Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra, we can formulate the performance and interpretive challenges that arise for the solo pianists. The performance and interpretation of a work are influenced by its figurative content and should align with the author's intentions in order to fully reveal the intended meaning.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) EDUCATION AS A MAJOR CAPITAL AND THE MAIN BASIS FOR THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF THE COUNTRY 2024-11-05T15:55:19+02:00 Viktoriia Akmen Svеtlana Sorokina Valentina Sorokina Dmitry Odarchenko <p>Based on the works of philosophers of the ancient world and scientists of our time, the article analyzes the need for the existence of two components of its development in any country, namely human capital and financial and political opportunities. Attention is paid to the fact that intellectual potential is a set of resources that include human intelligence and creative ability, with its characteristic educational and qualification indicators. It is proved that higher education graduates are the intellectual core that forms the market of qualified specialists capable of becoming the economic potential of the country. It is shown that the rational use of this potential, in combination with other scientific achievements of society, contributes to the achievement of a new quality of economic development, raising living standards and preserving the environment for future generations. That is, the level of awareness and education of each individual is the molecule that lays the foundation for consolidating the country's competitive influence in the international market. To implement the above, the need for more active use of public administration in the educational process at all levels is determined, the expediency of applying legislative regulation of the process of interaction between higher education institutions and business structures is investigated, both for the establishment of joint projects and processes of commercialization and reform of education in different countries, including in modern Ukraine, and for achieving positive changes in strategic planning and economic development.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE RELATIONSHIP OF STATE INVESTMENTS IN THE SECTOR OF ССI AND THE LEVEL OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ECONOMY 2024-11-05T15:55:16+02:00 Denys Bloshchynskyi <p>The article examines the relationship between public investment in the creative and cultural industries (CCI) sector and the level of competitiveness of the national economy. This study examines the influence of state-sponsored initiatives, including innovative projects, cultural programmes and creative start-ups, on a country's global economic competitiveness. It is established that investments in the cultural and creative industries have a dual impact on the national economy. Firstly, they facilitate the development of the cultural and educational spheres. Secondly, they have a significant impact on GDP growth, job creation, increase in export potential and attraction of foreign investment. Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of interaction between the public and private sectors for the effective implementation of investment programmes in the field of CCI. The article examines the various financing models and institutional approaches that can ensure the sustainable development of creative industries. A substantial portion of the study is dedicated to an examination of international experiences with regard to investment in cultural and creative industries. In particular, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the countries known as the "Asian Tigers" are taken as case studies. Based on a comparative analysis of these cases, the most effective instruments for supporting investments in the CCI sector and their impact on the competitiveness of national economies are identified.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FOUNDATIONS OF EMPLOYEE MATERIAL LIABILITY 2024-11-05T15:55:14+02:00 Oleksandr Bondar <p>This article delves into the theoretical and practical aspects of employee material liability, focusing on the standards governing the material liability of employees in Ukraine and the European Union. The research aims to analyze the current Ukrainian legislation and international practices to improve approaches to regulating material liability within a market economy. General scientific methods of cognition, such as analysis, comparison, systematization, and generalization, were employed during the study. The findings reveal that Ukrainian legislation stipulates four main types of material liability: full, limited, enhanced, and collective. Full material liability, as regulated by Article 134 of the Labor Code of Ukraine (LCU), applies when there is a written agreement between the employee and the employer, particularly in cases where the employee is entrusted with material assets for use or safekeeping. Key documents for this include an authorization and an agreement. Additional full liability arises in cases of intentional damage or when the employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Limited material liability is applied when the losses are less than the average earnings of the employee and does not cover amounts exceeding this threshold. The procedure for calculating average wages is regulated by the CMU Resolution No. 100 of February 8, 1995. Enhanced material liability pertains to employees involved in the handling of precious metals, stones, and currency valuables and can reach up to double or triple the value of the incurred damages. Collective liability applies to groups of employees jointly responsible for damage caused to the enterprise. The practical significance of the research lies in the potential for enhancing the legal framework governing employee material liability in Ukraine, taking into account European experience.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE GEOPOLITICAL AWAKENING OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AGAINST THE BACKDROP OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR 2024-11-05T15:55:12+02:00 Oleksii Buriachenko <p>The article analyses the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the geopolitical transformation of the European Union (EU). It examines the key changes in the EU's security, energy and international relations strategy, as well as the development of its strategic autonomy and role in supporting Ukraine. The study is based on the analysis of scientific sources and political articles related to the EU's foreign policy and security mechanisms. A comparative analysis of the EU's decisions on sanctions, energy security and military assistance to Ukraine is used. Expert assessments of the geopolitical situation and economic consequences of the war are also taken into account. The article contributes to understanding the role of the Russian-Ukrainian war as a catalyst for the EU's political and strategic awakening. In particular, it highlights the development of the EU's strategic autonomy in response to its energy dependence on Russia and the growth of defence cooperation between member states. The author also explores how the war has contributed to the consolidation of European identity and the strengthening of the desire for global leadership in the face of current international challenges. The author notes that the Russian-Ukrainian war has accelerated changes in the EU's approach to foreign and security policy. The EU has strengthened its strategic autonomy, increased economic sanctions against Russia and mobilised resources to support Ukraine. At the same time, the war has shown the need to develop energy resources independent of external suppliers and to increase the EU's internal defence capabilities. Ukraine's integration into the European space has become an important strategic direction of the EU's policy. An important aspect has been the strengthening of European defence cooperation, which demonstrates the EU's desire for greater independence in security matters. Ukraine's integration into the European space is becoming one of the key directions of the EU's foreign policy, which may accelerate the process of Ukraine's accession to the Union in the future. The author also draws attention to the fact that the issue of strengthening the EU's defence capabilities affects the problem of the international security system, which today, as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, is undergoing the greatest transformations since the Second World War.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE USE OF METAPHORICAL ASSOCIATIVE CARDS FOR WORK WITH BUSINESS DURING TRANSFORMATION 2024-11-05T15:55:10+02:00 Oleksandra Chadiuk <p>The article aims to analyze the possibilities of using metaphoric associative cards for working with businesses and organizations. Metaphoric associative cards could be used as an additional tool in counseling to provide the ability to work simultaneously within the emotional, mental, and physical dimensions of the client, creating a secure space for reflections during the team sessions and enhancing creativity during brainstorming. Enterprise organizations and small and medium businesses overcoming market challenges, and financial changes should adapt to any scenarios and transform rapidly by representing innovative solutions (new products, services, processes, opening new markets, going through M&amp;A, etc.). Such transformations bring anxiety for an organization and all employees as the level of uncertainty is high and bringing clear communications to the company culture, developing space for reflection is critical (Giernalczyk, Lohmer, 2012). To discover potential scenarios of strategic development, working with a portrait of the customers for improvement for customer journeys, discovering blockers or potential root causes of new project initiations working with metaphors through the session with MAC could be helpful. Practical techniques that could be used during the work on requests of organizations described.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) ENSURING ACCESSIBILITY OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR LOW-MOBILITY POPULATION GROUPS 2024-11-05T15:55:07+02:00 Oleksandra Kovtunenko <p>The article provides examples of public projects to ensure the availability of infrastructure for low-mobility population groups, the territorial community of the city of Cherkasy. The creation of children's rooms, the proposed playground for children with disabilities, as well as the creation of barrier-free infrastructure for everyone without exception. Project solutions and proposals, for example from other cities of Ukraine, regarding improving the accessibility of the city's infrastructure for the less mobile population groups have been analyzed and presented. The theoretical provisions, improved approaches and obtained results developed in the project proposal can become a project basis during the formation of policies at various levels and the implementation of appropriate measures to ensure the accessibility of the infrastructure of the territorial community for the less mobile population groups, to activate the public at the level of territorial communities. We hope that the project proposals will be accepted and considered by territorial communities, namely the city of Cherkasy.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE DIMENSIONS OF COMMUNITY RESILIENCE AT WAR TIME (BASED ON THE RESULTS OF A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ANALYSIS) 2024-11-05T15:55:05+02:00 Olga Kuzmuk <p>The article is devoted to studying community resilience in the context of war in Ukraine. It analyzes both subjective and objective dimensions of resilience that affect the ability of local communities to adapt to crisis conditions. The empirical foundation of the research consists of interviews and focus groups with representatives of executive and local authorities, the public sector, business, volunteer organizations, and informal initiatives, conducted within the framework of the Polish-Ukrainian research grant «Multilevel governance of the humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian aggression on Ukraine, using examples from the Lublin Voivodeship (PL) and the Volyn Oblast (UA)» (funded by NAWA). Subjective aspects of resilience encompass public perceptions, trust among community members, and emotional resilience, which is manifested in people's willingness to support one another. Objective dimensions include infrastructural, economic, and social resources that contribute to recovery after crises. The results indicate that distinguishing between subjective and objective aspects of resilience is an effective tool for developing policies capable of supporting communities in wartime. This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the complexity of community resilience in times of crisis and social instability.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE CONCEPT OF SPLENDID ISOLATION: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH 2024-11-05T15:55:03+02:00 Inna Pidbereznykh Evgeny Kostyuk <p>The article deals with the concept of «splendid isolation», traditionally associated with British foreign policy in the late 19th century, refers to the period when Britain distanced itself from European alliances. This article examines the rationale and consequences of this policy through a contemporary lens, drawing on contemporary scholarship to reassess the motivations and outcomes of Britain's diplomatic posture in that era. Analyzing the concept of «splendid isolation», the study focuses on the political, economic and military factors that determined British strategy. The focus of the study is also the analysis of criticism of this strategy and its consequences for Great Britain in the context of changes in the international balance of power at the beginning of the 20th century. The question arises as to whether «splendid isolation» was really an effective strategy for protecting national interests and maintaining the status of a world power. The traditional view of British foreign policy in the late Victorian era emphasizes independence and avoidance of binding alliances. The article examines the changes in the international environment, especially the growing competition from France, Russia, Germany and the United States, and how they influenced the decisions of British politicians. The article also examines the transition from isolationist policies to strategic alliances at the beginning of the 20th century.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF POLITICAL COMMUNICATION IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2024-11-05T15:55:01+02:00 Yana Popovych Vitalii Marakin <p>The article highlights the structural and functional features of political communication as a process of communicative interaction in the political sphere in the conditions of modern social development. It was determined that political communication is a communicative process of mutual exchange of political information and broadcasting of political discourse among political subjects, state administration bodies, civil society, aimed at achieving consensus in making political and managerial decisions, legitimizing power and maintaining the stability of the democratic political system through means mass communication, Internet social networks, informal contacts, etc. The leading functions of political communication in terms of its structural elements are distinguished: 1) subjects of political communication: citizens, state authorities and management, political parties, movements and associations, civil society institutions, associations and groups of users of social networks on the Internet etc; 2) feedback between the subjects of political communication, acting as a communicative interaction that takes on different forms of information exchange; 3) information message as a relevant political discourse; 4) channels and means of information transmission and two-way communication between subjects of political communication.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE EFFECT OF INFORMAL EDUCATION ON THE LABOR MARKET IN UKRAINE 2024-11-05T15:54:58+02:00 Oleksandr Siemilietov <p>The work deals with a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical approaches to the impact of short-term courses on the labor market and the level of unemployment in Ukraine in the conditions of hostilities and martial law. Special attention is paid to the study of foreign experience in the field of professional development and retraining of workers in various sectors of the economy, as well as the introduction of short-term courses as one of the effective tools for adapting citizens to the new requirements of the labor market. The paper analyzes in detail the problems faced by Ukraine after the invasion of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and their negative impact on the state's economy. In particular, the shortage of qualified personnel and the role of highly qualified workers in the process of defending territorial integrity within the armed forces of Ukraine were considered. The study also proposed and analyzed the conditions for creating free space at workplaces and providing decent working and living conditions for low-mobility population groups. The importance of integrating these groups into the labor market through specialized programs and support from the state is highlighted. In the conclusions of the work, attention is focused on In general, the introduction of short-term courses, the development of digital education, support for citizens with disabilities and the creation of a barrier-free environment, which are key directions for the economic recovery of Ukraine. This will help increase the competitiveness of the state and improve the quality of life of the population.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) MODERNIZATION OF STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF STATE CONTROL (SUPERVISION) OVER ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 2024-11-05T15:54:56+02:00 Stanislav Sieriebriak <p>The article analyzes the essence of modernization of the State policy in the field of control (supervision) over economic activity with due regard for the changing political and economic situation in the country. The author examines the main conceptual approaches to the definition of basic terms, and also identifies the features and purpose of state control (supervision) in the economic sphere. It is found that the state of the system of control (supervision) over economic activity does not always correspond to the realities of today. Hence, the author concludes that the control system is not always relevant and effective. The author identifies the main problems on the way to modernization of legislation in the field of control (supervision) over economic activity. The author proposes to use adequate means of regulating and controlling economic activity during a special period caused, for example, by a pandemic, military operations on the territory of Ukraine, etc. The author examines the key areas of state policy in the field of legal regulation of control (supervision) over economic activity. The author defines the system of regulatory and legal support of the state policy in the field of control over economic activity at different stages of economic development of the country. The author analyzes the legal acts adopted under the legal regime of martial law aimed at stabilizing the situation in the economic system of our country.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) ANCIENT GREEK EXPERIENCE OF POLITICAL AND LEGAL REGULATION OF OIKONOMIA AS A BALANCE OF INDIVIDUAL AND GENERAL 2024-11-05T15:54:54+02:00 Oleh Turenko <p>The paper examines the political and legal means and ethical principles of harmonizing the interests of the individual and the general in the economic activity of ancient Greek society in the 8th–4th centuries BC. Explore the reform of the economic sphere, reveal the meaning of oikonomia, its structural components in the imagination and state legal practice of the ancient Greeks, highlight the shortcomings of legal regulation in matters of capital accumulation to level out the contradictions of the individual and the general. The ancient Greeks were aware of the antagonism between the individual and the general, understood the dynamic essence of their relationship and formed ethical and legal means of harmonizing the manifested contradiction. As a result of the pan-Athenian agreement, polic was determined as the dominant sphere, where oikonomia acted as a separate subject of citizen activity and consisted of three meanings: a) archaic form of blood-family economic activity, closed in itself, despotic in its essence and therefore destructive for the general; b) a household that naturally provides everything necessary for a patriarchal family and provides the opportunity for its owner to become a “master of industrial relations management.” Individual management experience ensures freedom for each citizen and can promote the interests of the general; c) chremastics is an element of оікіа. This type of activity, under the influence of egocentrism and an anti-human position, naturally threatens the common because it destroys the solidarity and democratic foundations of the policy. Therefore, certain types of chremastics (usury) were prohibited, and the type of activity itself was placed under ethical and legal control – in the form of voluntary charity. This policy was not effective and the way of managing authority was replaced by the state-legal way of managing domestic policy. Since the formation of the professional state apparatus and the formation of the Athenian Empire, oikonomia and chremastics have been transformed from a multiple phenomenon of the internal life of policy into a political lever of the external activities of the state. Athens was transformed into a large archaic оікіа – the majority of citizens and the state itself were enriched unlimitedly. Chremastics have become the dominant activity and value of the public sphere in Athens. This became one of the levers of a new imbalance of individual and general interests, the decline of ancient Greek civilization.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) G. BERKELEY & F. MATHEWS “LOGOS” ONTOLOGY 2024-11-05T15:54:52+02:00 Anastasiia Tykhonova <p>The purpose of article’s study is to discover Logos phenomenon which is present in the nature of thinking using an empirical method in the value system of F. Mathews &amp; G. Berkeley from the point of view of modern ethics, historical experience, modern psychology and culture of ecology. “Logos” is considered as a segment of the field of thinking, a certain event in the field of meaning.The meaning of “Logos” as an event in the ontology of F. Mathews is considered from a metaphysical point of view and acquires a special semantic value in the context of G. Berkeley philosophy. In the space-time continuum, “Logos” exists in a moving field of meanings and is opposed to “Nonthought.” In the course of history, the manifestation of “Logos” was absorbed by everyday life and mediocrity, but F. Mathews and G. Berkeley are trying to prevent the disappearance of “Logos” by creating an “Ecological Model of Thinking”, revealing perception from internal semantic structures towards natural phenomena. An ecological model of thinking can prevent the formation of a “perceptual dead zone” where human genius is devalued by self-centered mediocrity. The phenomenon of the integrity of the "Logos" is an ethical expression of intuitive perception.The causes and consequences of "ontological inertia" are also revealed.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE IMPACT OF PHOSPHORUS WEAPONS DURING A FULL-SCALE WAR 2024-11-05T15:54:49+02:00 Valentyna Chorna Lyudmyla Hudzevych Stanislav Shkondin Mariia Syrota Hanna Syrota <p>Due to military actions, there is destruction of Ukraine's ecosystems, deterioration of sanitary and hygienic indicators of drinking water, air, and soil. With the onset of full-scale war, the negative impact of harmful and dangerous substances (the use of chemical, phosphorus bombs, and other weapons) prohibited by the Geneva Convention leads to unforeseen consequences for the environment of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze injuries resulting from the action of white phosphorus of various types of phosphorus weapons, namely explosive weapons with a wide area of effect, mines, ammunition, long-range missiles; artillery, mortar shells, various types of grenades in the conditions of russian aggression against Ukraine. The following methods were used in the work: content analysis, comparative analysis, and systematization of the researched material. Research of scientific publications by domestic and foreign scientists using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases for the period 2001-2023 was conducted. Phosphorus munitions such as WP are known for their high effectiveness in combat operations, but also lead to serious injuries, both traumatic and post-traumatic psychological changes. White phosphorus (explosive bombs) causes burns of human body tissues upon contact with burning material, as well as burns of the upper respiratory tract due to inhalation of smoke or gases emitted during combustion. The article analyzes the regulatory framework prohibiting the use of phosphorus munitions in armed conflicts. Clinical cases of gunshot combined injuries of limbs with massive soft tissue defects, gunshot fractures, and the presence of multiple foreign bodies of metal density due to the use of phosphorus munitions are considered. An analysis of scientific research by foreign scientists on this issue was conducted. The article provides algorithms for providing first aid due to the action of phosphorus munitions, as well as methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 506 of March 20, 2022) for providing medical assistance at the prehospital stage in case of phosphorus munition injuries, burns, enteral poisoning, exposure to white phosphorus in the eyes.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c)