Słowa kluczowe: methodology, methodological approach, nanotechnology knowledge, school physics, competency-based approach, personality-oriented approach, activity-based approach, system approach


The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific-methodological literature on teaching pupils the elements of nanotechnology and it is found out that the problem of determining the methodological basis for the formation of pupils’ knowledge about nanotechnology was not the object of special study. It is determined that the methodological basis for the formation of pupils’ knowledge about nanotechnology is a system of methodological approaches. The article highlights and substantiates methodological approaches (competence-based, personality-oriented, activity-based and system), which are used for the formation of pupils’ knowledge about nanotechnology in the process of teaching physics. The role of key competencies for studying and understanding nanotechnology by pupils is defined. It is shown that teaching pupils elements of nanotechnology, in turn, contributes to the formation of pupil’s key competencies. The conditions and forms of organization of educational activities of pupils in the process of teaching physics for the formation of pupils’ knowledge about nanotechnologies are defined. The features of a personality-oriented approach are highlighted, which are fundamental for the formation of pupils’ knowledge about nanotechnology. The principles of a system approach are defined, which ensure the creation of an integral methodological system for the formation of pupils’ knowledge about nanotechnologies. The article proves that only a complex combination of the analysed methodological approaches will ensure the formation of a complete system of knowledge about nanotechnology in the process of teaching physics.

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