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Author Guidelines

Academia Polonica is the Scientific Journal of Polonia University, uniting scientists from different continents, whose scientific articles examine the problems in the field of social, philological and pedagogical sciences. 

The manuscripts, presented to the Journal, should be original and unpublished. They shouldn’t be examined by any other publishing house at the same time. The responsibility for the article’s contents is put on the authors, not on the editors or publishers. The presentations should be formed, according to the ethical standards in publishing business.



1) The article or the book must be sent by e-mail to the proper VOLUME EDITOR for reviewing and acceptance for publication.

2) By the fact of delivery of the manuscript for publication, the author transfers the Editors rights to the Publisher. This means that without the written permission of the publisher he cannot publish the article or in whole, or in part in other journals and other publications or digital media.

3) The article proposed for publication must be delivered with two months in advance of the publication term.

4) For easier correction, the proposed article should be sent in two format files: WORD and PDF.

5) The articles written in non-English language must contain:

  • English translation of the title;
  • Abstract and key words in English.Key words must not duplicate the title.

6) The articles written in English should contain:

  • Polish translation of the title;
  • Abstract and key words in Polish.Key words must not duplicate the title.

7) The articles written in another foreign language (for example in French or Italian), should contain:

  • the title translated into Polish and English;
  • Polish and English summaries.

8) The articles in the “PU Scientific Journal” will be published if written in Polish or in foreign languages being the main languages of scientific inquiry like: English, French, German, Italian and other languages of the UA. Other langueges eg. Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Egyptian hieroglyphs… can used in case of quotations and examples.

9) Advisory requirements for the manuscripts:

  • not less than 50% of the sources (bibliography) should have DOI (Digital Object Identifier);
  • the sources (bibliography) should contain at least 50% of Scopus Journals references;
  • self-citations maximum should be up to 10-15%.




1) The text should contain from 15-40 thousand characters;

2) Name and surname of the author should be placed in the middle of the page under the title and the author’s affiliation.

3) The first footnote should contain information about the author: degree, institutional affiliation, e-mail and country.

4) Under the title of the text should be placed appropriate translations of the title and summary of the text.

  • Polish or English abstracts should not exceed 200 words;
  • titles and subtitles of the text should be written  in bold;

5) At the end of the summary should be placed keywords (from 2 to 5 words) in Polish and in English.Key words must not duplicate the title;

6) The text of the article must be separated by double-spaced  from the summary of the text;

7) References in the text have to be cited by giving the name of the author/editor, year of publication and, in the case of quotations or an exact reference, the page number, all in parentheses; e.g. (Drucker, 2006) or (Drucker et al., 2010).

The bibliography to the article should be edited in the alphabetical order.

The bibliography in English should be arranged according to international bibliographic standard APA (http://www.bibme.org/citation-guide/APA/book)

Information Economy Report 2012. (2012). United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Information Economy Report (IER). doi:10.18356/c48133e3-en

Porat, M. U. (1978). Global Implications of the Information Society. J Communication Journal of Communication, 28(1), 70-80. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.1978.tb01565.x

In bibliographies should not be given website addresses as the scientific sources, because the texts published on Internet and having only their electronic form cannot be treated as publication in the scientific sense.

8) The text of article should be edited with the Times New Roman font style using the font size of 10,5 points:

  • Line-spacing - 1,5 cm;
  • Side margins - 1,5 cm;
  • Indent at the beginning of the paragraph: 1 cm;
  • Illustrations: drawings and photos with the font size
  • All  figures should be in shades of gray; Drawings and tables should be placed in the appropriate place in the text;- All figures and tables must also be sent in separate, well-described files.- If figures or tables are not owned by the author (s) of the text  it must be accompanied by a written permission of their owner.
  • the table font size of 10 points;
  • quotations with the straight-line fonts given in the double quotation-marks;
  • word forms and foreign words (inflexible in the language of article) should be written with the Italics font style;
  • Meanings of words shall be given in so-called „semantic commas” (i.e. inverted single commas): ‘meaning’

The contents of articles, the credibility of data, facts, quotations, level of self-dependence of obtained results are entirely the responsibility of the authors of the articles.


Submission of Manuscripts is 70 EUR up to 22 thousand characters.


Submitted articles will be subject to double-blind peer review process.

As publishing has entered an membership agreement with CrossRef we use in reviewing articles CrossCheck.

Please prepare your manuscript carefully to minimize correcting.