Keywords: success, teacher's readiness, situation of success, safe educational environment, partnership interaction


The article is dedicated to the theory and methods of forming a successful personality of a pupil. The tasks of the research are the generalization of theoretical data regarding the problem of forming a successful personality of a pupil and highlighting the methodical foundations of the formation of a successful personality in an institution of general secondary education. In the research process, methodological approaches were applied in the formation of a successful personality of the pupil – personally oriented, acmeological, axiological, environmental, systemic, competency-based, as well as the following methods – theoretical (analysis, comparison and reinterpretation of data) and empirical (event analysis). The author specified the essence of the concepts "pupil's successfulness", "successful personality of a pupil", "formation of a successful personality of a pupil", considered the readiness of the teacher to form a successful personality of a pupil, determined the principles of working with pupils, their application ensures the achievement of high educational results and self-realization of pupils. The proposed research also indicated the importance of building an environment of success in the educational institution, which contributes to the effectiveness of the formation of a successful personality of a pupil, revealed the pedagogical potential of the situation of success, emphasized the necessity to create a safe educational environment, emphasized the feasibility of partnership interaction of general secondary education institutions with non-governmental organizations in the formation successful personality of a pupil.


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How to Cite
Necherda, V. (2023). THEORY AND METHODS OF FORMING A SUCCESSFUL PUPIL’S PERSONALITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 55(6), 70-80.