The article defines “public administration” as a set of principles, methods, forms, and means of impact on the activity of a region and a country as a whole. The operation of the mechanisms of interaction between public administration entities in cross-border cooperation is recommended to be categorized by interaction entities in the public domain, which, in turn, are divided by the number of entities, their composition, role, and participation. The article provides the classification of the mechanisms of interaction between public administration entities in the framework of cross-border cooperation: by the coverage with a legal framework that secures interaction, by the coverage with interaction, by the types of cooperation between interaction entities in a border region where a regional authority is the main entity, by the types of cooperation between interaction entities in cross-border region or space where a regional authority is the main entity, by interaction scope, by the results of interaction, by interaction intensity, by the levels of formalization and public administration, by initiative, by cooperation effect in a border region, and by the duration of cooperation. The mechanisms of interaction between public administration entities in a cross-border region or space are suggested to be divided by the features of interaction, coverage (based on the boundaries of cross-border space), activity sectors, the impact of other entities and institutions operating beyond the public domain, etc. The instruments of cross-border cooperation most frequently used by public administration entities at border areas of Ukraine are outlined, including international agreements, border cooperation agreements, Local Border Movement Agreements, Neighborhood Programs, joint cross-border development strategies, regional development strategies with priorities set on cross-border cooperation, regional cross-border cooperation development programs, new cross-border cooperation forms (Euroregions, clusters, industrial zones and parks, etc.), direct contacts – meetings, events, forums, etc. The article specifies the principles of public administration, including structural principles, principles of process, and principles of the final result.
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