The article highlights the sources of psycho-emotional patterns of traumatic experience and outlines a cross-contour technology for overcoming their prolonged impact on human mental health. The mechanisms of semantic coding and decoding of events in the world by a person are defined. Three hierarchical contours of human consciousness are objectified, each of which contains both principles of mental health protection and risks of its violation. Using methods of bodynamic, transpersonal and projective approaches it is proved that the person's reaction to traumatic events is determined by his pre-biographical and early biographical experience. The presented cross-contour technology allows to increase resilience to crisis events of war, to reduce uncertainty and to activate personal dimensions of freedom and responsibility. The corrective component of the technology focuses on the reorganization of the person's semantic system in response to the crisis events of the world. The purpose of the technology is to reduce uncertainty and hesitation and activate the dimensions of freedom and responsibility. The subjective specificity of the world creation by a human is revealed, that is, reflection, generation and understanding of reality
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