Keywords: rheumatic arthritis, polymorphism, serotonin receptor 5-HT2A A1438-G gene, depression


The work is devoted to the study the specific characteristics of mental status in patients with different variants of polymorphic regions of the A1438-G gene of the serotonin receptor 2A (HTR2A), ill with rheumatoid arthritis, depending on gender, and to study the relationship between anxiety-depressive disorders and pain intensity and clinical signs of the disease. Materials and мethods used in the study. The distribution of genotype rate of serotonin receptor 5-HT2A A1438-G gene was studied in 100 patients with RA. Anxiety level was assessed by Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Scale. Depressive status and depression severity was evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Females with GG genotype were found to have higher level of pain feelings and the presence of anxiety signs associated with depression symptoms, while in males with GG genotype had the prevalence of inflammatory component and the depression symptoms.In females with AA genotype pain syndrome indices were associated with high anxiety indices, and in females with AG genotype they were dependent on the presence or absence of anxiety and depression, while in males with AG genotype pain syndrome was associated with SA indices.


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How to Cite
Protsiuk, L., & Kotsur, L. (2023). SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF MENTAL STATUS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS DEPENDING ON SEX. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 55(6), 231-237. https://doi.org/10.23856/5530