This paper deals with the cognitive study of the conceptual field of the English language aphorism. The methodology of the cognitive analysis of the textual concepts has been proposed and applied for the study of the means of verbalization of concept WISDOM in English aphorisms. Based on the application of the proposed methodology of the cognitive study of English-language aphorisms, it can be stated that the concept WISDOM has the following constituents: 1) conceptual, the scope of which is much wider than reflected in dictionaries: «wisdom is the possession of knowledge», «wisdom is common sense», «wisdom is the ability to make spiritual sense of life», «wisdom as freedom from feelings», wisdom is sophistication», «wisdom is the heritage of the age», «wisdom is an aphorism»; 2) figurative, which is represented by figurative metaphors: «wisdom is power», «wisdom is knowledge of the truth», «wisdom is self-demanding», «wisdom is moral impeccability», «wisdom is modesty», «wisdom is freedom»; 3) valuable, represented mainly by a positive and exalted assessment.
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