Current model design research in the field of personalized learning mainly includes three categories: personalized learner model, personalized learning resource recommendation model, and personalized learning path model. The development of a personalized student model mainly depends on the basic information of the student, his interests and preferences, learning style, behavioral characteristics, etc.; and all learner information and data are also used to develop and implement a personalized learning resource recommendation model and an individualized learning path model Essential framework. The learner model is developed through an in-depth analysis of the learner's main attributes, learning process and learning outcomes, and on this basis, a model of the learning path that fits the learner is planned and personalized learning resources are presented. Among the various developed models, the student model occupies the largest share. In the study of personalized learning, different models can be developed that correspond to the individual characteristics and actual needs of students, so as to be more in line with the concept of respecting the individual characteristics of students, thereby contributing to the high-quality development of individualized learning and the overall development of students. We also described the model with tables that are given in the article.
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