Keywords: Numbers, mythıcal, mystıcal, Turkish, poetry, literature


The article examines the mythical, mystical and mysterious meanings of the numbers included in people's religious-philosophical meetings. XIII–XV centuries Turkish poets' different views on numbers with a special meaning in their work are being refined. The hidden themes touched by the artists of the word, who reflect the literary and artistic principles of the period in their works, are refined by using numbers. The article clarifies the conclusions of our elders, owners of ideas and words in relation to certain events, with examples from oral literature. In the context we will talk about, in addition to studying the place and position of numbers in rational thinking, attention is paid to the investigation of the main factors that play a role in their creation. It is a fact that the thinkers who took refuge in folk wisdom and benefited from examples of oral literature from mythical meanings in their creations were always distinguished by their works. We can definitely say that the advantage of the genius wordsmiths of world literature over others was that they relied only on folk literature, mythology, and mastered it. From this point of view, the meanings of the numbers included in the work "Jumjumanama", translated by Fariduddin Attar and made with enough additions, are also investigated in the article.


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How to Cite
Valiyeva, F. H. (2023). THE MYTHICAL AND MYSTICAL POSITION OF NUMBERS IN 13TH–15TH CENTURY TURKIC LANGUAGE POETRY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 56(1), 273-281.