Keywords: ethnic Volyn clothing, ethnic outerwear, ethnic style, ethnodesign, ethnic clothing modeling


The aim of this paper is to prove the hypothesis: the main traditional characteristics of the formation of outerwear reflecting regional peculiarities are reflected in the modern ethnic costume of Volynians. The following tasks are set: to analyze the fragmentary life evolution of Volyn folk outerwear; to specify and identify features in the formation and formation of ethnic outerwear of Volyn; to show that it is on the archaic cultural basis of the Ukrainian people that it is possible to consider the transformation processes in the ethnic outerwear of Volyn. Methods used in the study: Among the research methods used, we paid special attention to the following: historical retrospectives, structural-functional, descriptive, and systemic methods (in particular, third-generation systemic methods), etc. Research methodology. The evolution of certain fashion trends, the emergence and development of various fashion trends cannot be imagined without the influence of ethnic identity. Therefore, in the scientific discourse of modern art history, the problem of the formation and development of ethnic Volyn outerwear, its characteristic identical features and distinctive features of forming occupies a special place. Therefore, the study of the transformation processes of Volyn folk costume is relevant in highlighting the spiritual culture and art of the ethnic group, as well as in terms of the evolution of rituals and customs in the regional aspect. The relevance of the study is highlighted in the work of contemporary Ukrainian fashion designers, as ethnic clothing is an important component of modern Ukrainian culture today, combining ancient folk traditions with modern technologies. Ethnic clothing style is always relevant and favorably perceived at fashion shows.


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How to Cite
Vynokur, A. (2023). TRADITIONS OF OUTERWEAR OF VOLYN. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 56(1), 282-287.