Research relevance is caused by the fact that education is realized as an educational service and the quality of education is studied as an accordance to educational standards and personal demands. The aim of the article is to justify and bring to life philosophical-pedagogical aspects of education management formation in Ukraine and in the world. It was found out that all aspects of education management development are important, however in regards with our research quality is seen as: a) Absolute notion – it is a standard; b) Relative meaning – it is means of defining the appropriateness of the standard result; c) Category which is the complex of object’s qualities and corresponds the requires, demands and norms. Different approaches to defining education quality were analyzed, namely with the help of studying pedagogical-philosophical works of various scientists. Philosophical-pedagogical aspects of education quality management in secondary education institutions were revealed. It was emphasized that employees’ activity on the base of principles of general quality management facilitates constant increase of education quality, approving objective managing decisions, interest of every participant of the process and responsibility for the result. It was found out the education quality management at present is considered as a continuous process of interaction of managing and managed systems, aimed at providing availability of qualitative nursery, primary, basic and secondary education in the educational system due to creating the conditions of functioning and development of general educational system.
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